Sunday, January 4, 2009



I hate projects
I hate that I am 无厘头 about the projects
I hate that time is short
I hate it worse when people don't get what I said
I hate to repeat what I've said
I hate people who don't 适可而止

I am super tired
My brain is cracking
Body is aching all over

I hate these periods
when the exams are coming
the projects come in first
and it's in one shot
throw so many modules projects to us
and have to complete within a short period


I really don't like that particular person
What I said is so hard to understand?
I feel like calling your parent
and ask them what the hell you are doing
I just can't understand what you trying to do/say
I super stress
can you just knn say clearly?
And you farking hell don't even understand ALL MY SMS!

That add-on to my limit
I am farking losing patient now!

2 options:
1) Say it clearly and end everything
2) Grow up! Improve your brain cells!
just help others to think a little more.
Don't think you are the only one who is living in this

I am also human
I also have feelings
I particularly have many emotions
don't play me out!
I will be super fark up
and it's reaching my limit now
do something before something happen…

Don't irritate me during this period
I super duper stress
I will lose patient and quarrel/scold anyone anytime

9 MARCH 2008!
Faster come!!!!!!!

JI TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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